Modernize Fare

Token Transit supports fare collection for agencies of all types. Regardless of your agency’s hardware setup, we offer solutions that match your agency's fare collection needs.

Token Transit Validators

Support all rider groups by scanning across both digital and physical fare media while collecting rich analytics on validation data. Riders board by scanning their phones, paper passes, smart cards, institutional IDs, and more.
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Visual Validation
No hardware? No problem. Support secure mobile ticketing with visual validation on the vehicle. Setup is simple and quick for all Visual Validation agencies, and for riders, purchasing and activating a pass takes mere seconds.
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Fare Inspector App

Token Transit’s fare inspection application uses an Android device to validate tickets in a proof of payment environment. Validation data is collected for reconciliation and planning needs.
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Third Party Integration
Token Transit is designed to be flexible which means it can integrate with certain third party hardware, including Payment Acceptance Devices or electronic fareboxes. Reach out to our team if you have existing hardware you would like to integrate with Token Transit.
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Customer Stories

Read how customer agencies are leveraging our technology to increase mobile fare adoption, lower cash collection, and promote Pass Programs to support community partners.

Contact Us

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