Coos County Area Transit
Coos County, OR

Pay for your Coos County Area Transit fare quickly and easily with your phone using the Token Transit service!

Download App

How to Ride Transit Using Your Phone

  • Download your mobile app of choice from the options above
  • Purchase passes to use immediately or store them for future rides (note: an internet connection is required to purchase and activate a mobile pass)
  • As the bus approaches open your app and tap your pass to activate
  • Once onboard follow instructions in the app to validate your ticket

Send a Pass

Token Transit Send a Pass is an online pass purchasing portal for Coos County Area Transit. You can purchase a pass online and have it instantly sent to any rider you choose. You can now instantly deliver transit passes for your friends and family.


Rider Description

Name Description

Service Descriptions

Name Description
Local Fixed Route
Coos Lift Bay Area

Serving Coos Bay. Eleven loops Monday through Friday, and seven loops on Saturday. Service is available from 7:30AM to 6:15PM.

Coos Go Bandon

Dial-a-Bus is designed to provide transportation to customers in Bandon 8am – 5pm Mon-Fri. Schedule a ride by calling CCATD 541-267-7111. Twenty-four hour notice is appreciated, but we will accommodate same day ride requests, as the schedule allows.

Coos Go Myrtle Point/Coquille
Florence Express

Serving Coos Bay, Lakeside, Winchester Bay, Reedsport, Gardiner, and Florence. Two roundtrips available Monday through Saturday. Service is available from 7:15AM to 11:21AM and from 3:15PM to 7:21PM. Reservations are strongly encouraged.

Powers Express

Powers Intercity connection is every Thursday. Please call to make a reservation: 541-267-7111

Roseburg Express

Roseburg Express is designed to provide transportation to customers in along Oregon Route 42 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 7:30am – 4:30pm with the earliest drop off in Roseburg at 9:45am and latest pick up in Roseburg at 2:15pm. Schedule a ride by calling CCATD 541-267-7111. Twenty-four hour notice is appreciated, but we will accommodate same day ride requests, as the schedule allows.

Timber Express

Three loops each for North Bound and South Bound - Monday through Friday serving Coos Bay, Coquille, and Myrtle Point. Anyone may request a route deviation by calling the Dispatch Office 541-267-7111.

BEE OnDemand

On-Demand service between 10:25 to 10:50 a.m. and 2:45 to 3:25 p.m. Mondays through Fridays serving Bunker Hill, Eastside and Englewood.

Fare Descriptions

Name Description
1 Ride

Valid for a single ride.


Day passes are valid until midnight on the day of activation.

31 Day

31 day passes are valid for 31 consecutive days after first use and expire at midnight on the 31st day.

Coos County Area Transit Terms and Policies

Purchases made with Token Transit for Coos County Area Transit are subject to Coos County Area Transit terms and policies. For more information on these policies you may visit or contact Coos County Area Transit directly.