Jacksonville, FL

Pay for your JTA fare quickly and easily with your phone using the Token Transit service!

Available in These Popular Apps

How to Ride Transit Using Your Phone

  • Download your mobile app of choice from the options above
  • Purchase passes to use immediately or store them for future rides (note: an internet connection is required to purchase and activate a mobile pass)
  • As the bus approaches open your app and tap your pass to activate
  • Once onboard follow instructions in the app to validate your ticket

Send a Pass

Token Transit Send a Pass is an online pass purchasing portal for JTA. You can purchase a pass online and have it instantly sent to any rider you choose. You can now instantly deliver transit passes for your friends and family.


Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Adult

Pass: 1 Day

1 Day

Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Adult

Pass: 1 Ride

1 Ride

Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Adult

Pass: 3 Day

3 Day

Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Adult

Pass: 7 Day

7 Day

Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Adult

Pass: 31 Day

31 Day

Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Adult

Pass: 1 Ride Express

1 Ride Express

Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Reduced

Pass: 1 Day

1 Day

Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Reduced

Pass: 1 Ride

1 Ride

Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Reduced

Pass: 31 Day

31 Day

Service: Fixed Route Bus

Rider: Reduced

Pass: 1 Ride Express

1 Ride Express

Service: Express Select Commuter Service

Rider: Clay County

Pass: ES and Fixed Route 1 Day

ES and Fixed Route 1 Day
Clay County$5.00

Service: Express Select Commuter Service

Rider: Clay County

Pass: ES 1 Ride

ES 1 Ride
Clay County$3.00

Service: Express Select Commuter Service

Rider: Clay County

Pass: ES and Fixed Route 31 Day

ES and Fixed Route 31 Day
Clay County$90.00

Service: Express Select Commuter Service

Rider: Nassau County

Pass: ES and Fixed Route 1 Day

ES and Fixed Route 1 Day
Nassau County$5.00

Service: Express Select Commuter Service

Rider: Nassau County

Pass: ES 1 Ride

ES 1 Ride
Nassau County$3.00

Service: Express Select Commuter Service

Rider: Nassau County

Pass: ES and Fixed Route 31 Day

ES and Fixed Route 31 Day
Nassau County$90.00

Service: Express Select Commuter Service

Rider: St. John's County

Pass: ES and Fixed Route 1 Day

ES and Fixed Route 1 Day
St. John's County$5.00

Service: Express Select Commuter Service

Rider: St. John's County

Pass: ES 1 Ride

ES 1 Ride
St. John's County$3.00

Service: Express Select Commuter Service

Rider: St. John's County

Pass: ES and Fixed Route 31 Day

ES and Fixed Route 31 Day
St. John's County$90.00

Service: ReadiRide

Rider: ReadiRide

Pass: ReadiRide 1 Ride

ReadiRide 1 Ride

Service: Connexion Paratransit

Rider: Connexion Paratransit

Pass: ADA 1 Ride

ADA 1 Ride
Connexion Paratransit$3.00

Service: Connexion Paratransit

Rider: Connexion Paratransit

Pass: ADA 10 Ride

ADA 10 Ride
Connexion Paratransit$30.00

Service: Connexion Paratransit

Rider: Connexion Paratransit

Pass: Transportation Disadvantaged 1 Ride

Transportation Disadvantaged 1 Ride
Connexion Paratransit$3.50

Service: Connexion Paratransit

Rider: Connexion Paratransit

Pass: Transportation Disadvantaged 10 Ride

Transportation Disadvantaged 10 Ride
Connexion Paratransit$35.00

Service: St. John's River Ferry

Rider: Pedestrian/Bicycle

Pass: 1 Ride

1 Ride

Service: St. John's River Ferry

Rider: Motorcycle

Pass: 1 Ride

1 Ride

Service: St. John's River Ferry

Rider: Car

Pass: Weekday 1 Ride

Weekday 1 Ride

Service: St. John's River Ferry

Rider: Car

Pass: Weekend 1 Ride

Weekend 1 Ride

Service: St. John's River Ferry

Rider: Car

Pass: 20 Ride

20 Ride

Service: St. John's River Ferry

Rider: Truck/Bus/RV

Pass: Weekday 1 Ride

Weekday 1 Ride

Service: St. John's River Ferry

Rider: Truck/Bus/RV

Pass: Weekend 1 Ride

Weekend 1 Ride

Service: St. John's River Ferry

Rider: Truck/Bus/RV

Pass: 20 Ride

20 Ride

Service: Clay County Flex

Rider: Adult

Pass: 1 Ride

1 Ride

Service: Clay County Flex

Rider: Adult

Pass: 1 Ride with Deviation

1 Ride with Deviation

Service: Clay County Flex

Rider: Adult

Pass: 10 Ride

10 Ride

Service: Clay County Flex

Rider: Adult

Pass: 10 Ride with Deviation

10 Ride with Deviation

Service: Clay County Flex

Rider: Reduced

Pass: 1 Ride

1 Ride

Service: Clay County Flex

Rider: Reduced

Pass: 1 Ride with Deviation

1 Ride with Deviation

Service: Clay County Flex

Rider: Reduced

Pass: 10 Ride

10 Ride

Service: Clay County Flex

Rider: Reduced

Pass: 10 Ride with Deviation

10 Ride with Deviation

Service: Nassau County

Rider: Nassau County Paratransit

Pass: 1 Ride

1 Ride
Nassau County Paratransit$2.00

Service Descriptions

Name Description
Fixed Route Bus

Passes for fixed-route bus service.

Express Select Commuter Service

Includes Express Select Commuter Services for Baker County, Clay County, Nassau County, and St. John’s County


ReadiRide, a service offered by the JTA through Owl Inc., provides affordable, on-call transportation to customers in 11 Jacksonville communities. It’s a service that puts you, the customer, in control of when and where you want to be picked up and dropped off.

Connexion Paratransit

Call the Eligibility and Training Center at (904) 265-6001 to request information and to obtain an application.

St. John's River Ferry

The St. Johns River Ferry is a car and passenger ferry that connects the north and south ends of Florida State Road A1A in Duval County

Clay County Flex

Clay Community Transportation (CCT) provides an easy, affordable — and flexible — way to get around the county. Like riding most other bus services, you can pick up a CCT shuttle from any one of the several stops throughout Clay county to get where you need to go.

Nassau County

Valid on Nassau County services.

Rider Descriptions

Name Description

Get your Reduced Fare ID STAR Card at the Jacksonville Regional Transportation Center at 100 LaVilla Center Drive. Visit the Ticket Center, located on the ground floor, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The following documentation is required to obtain a Reduced Fare ID STAR Card:

For recipients of Social Security Disability or Social Security Income: a current award letter.

For persons with a disability: a JTA reduced-fare application completed by a doctor and statement of disability on physician letterhead.

For Veterans with a disability: a current letter on VA letterhead stating at least a 50% disability.

For Medicare recipients: a Medicare card (Red, White and Blue paper card)

Connexion Paratransit

Call the Eligibility and Training Center at (904) 265-6001 to request information and to obtain an application.

Nassau County Paratransit

Valid for eligible Nassau County paratransit riders.

Clay County
Nassau County
St. John's County

Fare Descriptions

Name Description
1 Day

Valid until midnight the day of activation.

1 Ride

Valid for 30 minutes.

1 Ride with Deviation

Valid for 30 minutes. Deviation goes as far as ¾ mile off the Flex Route

10 Ride

Valid for 30 minutes.

10 Ride with Deviation

Valid for 30 minutes. Deviation goes as far as ¾ mile off the Flex Route

3 Day

Valid for 3 consecutive days.

7 Day

Valid for 7 consecutive days.

31 Day

Valid for 31 consecutive days.

1 Ride Express

Valid for 1 Ride on Express Routes.

ADA 1 Ride

Valid for 20 minutes.

ADA 10 Ride

Valid for 20 minutes.

Transportation Disadvantaged 1 Ride

Valid for 20 minutes.

Transportation Disadvantaged 10 Ride

Valid for 20 minutes.

Weekday 1 Ride

Weekday use only. Valid for 30 minutes.

Weekend 1 Ride

Weekend use only. Valid for 30 minutes.

20 Ride

Purchased passes are saved for later use. Pack of 20 rides, each valid for 30 minutes.

ReadiRide 1 Ride

Contact a ReadiRide reservationist at (904) 679-4555 to schedule a pick-up. Call at least two hours in advance to request an arrival time to your destination. Reservations can be made Monday through Saturday from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Curb-to-curb service must be in the same designated zone

ES and Fixed Route 1 Day

1-Day ES Passes offer unlimited rides on the designated county Premium Commuter Service and JTA Fixed Route bus services. Once activated, pass is valid for one day.

ES 1 Ride

Single Trip ES ticket offers one boarding (one-way) per person on the designated county Premium Commuter Service only.

ES and Fixed Route 31 Day

31-Day ES Passes offer unlimited rides on the designated county Premium Commuter Service and JTA Fixed Route bus services. Once activated, pass is valid for 31 consecutive days.

JTA Terms and Policies

Purchases made with Token Transit for JTA are subject to JTA terms and policies. For more information on these policies you may visit https://www.jtafla.com/ or contact JTA directly.