Pay for your JTA fare quickly and easily with your phone using the Token Transit service!
Token Transit Send a Pass is an online pass purchasing portal for JTA. You can purchase a pass online and have it instantly sent to any rider you choose. You can now instantly deliver transit passes for your friends and family.
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Adult
Pass: 1 Day
1 Day | |
Adult | $4.50 |
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Adult
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Adult | $1.75 |
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Adult
Pass: 3 Day
3 Day | |
Adult | $12.00 |
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Adult
Pass: 7 Day
7 Day | |
Adult | $20.00 |
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Adult
Pass: 31 Day
31 Day | |
Adult | $65.00 |
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Adult
Pass: 1 Ride Express
1 Ride Express | |
Adult | $2.75 |
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 1 Day
1 Day | |
Reduced | $1.75 |
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Reduced | $0.75 |
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 31 Day
31 Day | |
Reduced | $32.00 |
Service: Fixed Route Bus
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 1 Ride Express
1 Ride Express | |
Reduced | $2.00 |
Service: Express Select Commuter Service
Rider: Clay County
Pass: ES and Fixed Route 1 Day
ES and Fixed Route 1 Day | |
Clay County | $5.00 |
Service: Express Select Commuter Service
Rider: Clay County
Pass: ES 1 Ride
ES 1 Ride | |
Clay County | $3.00 |
Service: Express Select Commuter Service
Rider: Clay County
Pass: ES and Fixed Route 31 Day
ES and Fixed Route 31 Day | |
Clay County | $90.00 |
Service: Express Select Commuter Service
Rider: Nassau County
Pass: ES and Fixed Route 1 Day
ES and Fixed Route 1 Day | |
Nassau County | $5.00 |
Service: Express Select Commuter Service
Rider: Nassau County
Pass: ES 1 Ride
ES 1 Ride | |
Nassau County | $3.00 |
Service: Express Select Commuter Service
Rider: Nassau County
Pass: ES and Fixed Route 31 Day
ES and Fixed Route 31 Day | |
Nassau County | $90.00 |
Service: Express Select Commuter Service
Rider: St. John's County
Pass: ES and Fixed Route 1 Day
ES and Fixed Route 1 Day | |
St. John's County | $5.00 |
Service: Express Select Commuter Service
Rider: St. John's County
Pass: ES 1 Ride
ES 1 Ride | |
St. John's County | $3.00 |
Service: Express Select Commuter Service
Rider: St. John's County
Pass: ES and Fixed Route 31 Day
ES and Fixed Route 31 Day | |
St. John's County | $90.00 |
Service: ReadiRide
Rider: ReadiRide
Pass: ReadiRide 1 Ride
ReadiRide 1 Ride | |
ReadiRide | $2.00 |
Service: Connexion Paratransit
Rider: Connexion Paratransit
Pass: ADA 1 Ride
ADA 1 Ride | |
Connexion Paratransit | $3.00 |
Service: Connexion Paratransit
Rider: Connexion Paratransit
Pass: ADA 10 Ride
ADA 10 Ride | |
Connexion Paratransit | $30.00 |
Service: Connexion Paratransit
Rider: Connexion Paratransit
Pass: Transportation Disadvantaged 1 Ride
Transportation Disadvantaged 1 Ride | |
Connexion Paratransit | $3.50 |
Service: Connexion Paratransit
Rider: Connexion Paratransit
Pass: Transportation Disadvantaged 10 Ride
Transportation Disadvantaged 10 Ride | |
Connexion Paratransit | $35.00 |
Service: St. John's River Ferry
Rider: Pedestrian/Bicycle
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Pedestrian/Bicycle | $1.00 |
Service: St. John's River Ferry
Rider: Motorcycle
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Motorcycle | $5.50 |
Service: St. John's River Ferry
Rider: Car
Pass: Weekday 1 Ride
Weekday 1 Ride | |
Car | $6.30 |
Service: St. John's River Ferry
Rider: Car
Pass: Weekend 1 Ride
Weekend 1 Ride | |
Car | $7.20 |
Service: St. John's River Ferry
Rider: Car
Pass: 20 Ride
20 Ride | |
Car | $100.00 |
Service: St. John's River Ferry
Rider: Truck/Bus/RV
Pass: Weekday 1 Ride
Weekday 1 Ride | |
Truck/Bus/RV | $12.60 |
Service: St. John's River Ferry
Rider: Truck/Bus/RV
Pass: Weekend 1 Ride
Weekend 1 Ride | |
Truck/Bus/RV | $14.40 |
Service: St. John's River Ferry
Rider: Truck/Bus/RV
Pass: 20 Ride
20 Ride | |
Truck/Bus/RV | $200.00 |
Service: Clay County Flex
Rider: Adult
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Adult | $1.00 |
Service: Clay County Flex
Rider: Adult
Pass: 1 Ride with Deviation
1 Ride with Deviation | |
Adult | $2.00 |
Service: Clay County Flex
Rider: Adult
Pass: 10 Ride
10 Ride | |
Adult | $10.00 |
Service: Clay County Flex
Rider: Adult
Pass: 10 Ride with Deviation
10 Ride with Deviation | |
Adult | $20.00 |
Service: Clay County Flex
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Reduced | $0.50 |
Service: Clay County Flex
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 1 Ride with Deviation
1 Ride with Deviation | |
Reduced | $1.50 |
Service: Clay County Flex
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 10 Ride
10 Ride | |
Reduced | $5.00 |
Service: Clay County Flex
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 10 Ride with Deviation
10 Ride with Deviation | |
Reduced | $15.00 |
Service: Nassau County
Rider: Nassau County Paratransit
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Nassau County Paratransit | $2.00 |
Name | Description |
Fixed Route Bus |
Passes for fixed-route bus service. |
Express Select Commuter Service |
Includes Express Select Commuter Services for Baker County, Clay County, Nassau County, and St. John’s County |
ReadiRide |
ReadiRide, a service offered by the JTA through Owl Inc., provides affordable, on-call transportation to customers in 11 Jacksonville communities. It’s a service that puts you, the customer, in control of when and where you want to be picked up and dropped off. |
Connexion Paratransit |
Call the Eligibility and Training Center at (904) 265-6001 to request information and to obtain an application. |
St. John's River Ferry |
The St. Johns River Ferry is a car and passenger ferry that connects the north and south ends of Florida State Road A1A in Duval County |
Clay County Flex |
Clay Community Transportation (CCT) provides an easy, affordable — and flexible — way to get around the county. Like riding most other bus services, you can pick up a CCT shuttle from any one of the several stops throughout Clay county to get where you need to go. |
Nassau County |
Valid on Nassau County services. |
Name | Description |
Adult | |
Reduced |
Get your Reduced Fare ID STAR Card at the Jacksonville Regional Transportation Center at 100 LaVilla Center Drive. Visit the Ticket Center, located on the ground floor, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The following documentation is required to obtain a Reduced Fare ID STAR Card: For recipients of Social Security Disability or Social Security Income: a current award letter. For persons with a disability: a JTA reduced-fare application completed by a doctor and statement of disability on physician letterhead. For Veterans with a disability: a current letter on VA letterhead stating at least a 50% disability. For Medicare recipients: a Medicare card (Red, White and Blue paper card) |
Connexion Paratransit |
Call the Eligibility and Training Center at (904) 265-6001 to request information and to obtain an application. |
Nassau County Paratransit |
Valid for eligible Nassau County paratransit riders. |
ReadiRide | |
Pedestrian/Bicycle | |
Motorcycle | |
Car | |
Truck/Bus/RV | |
Clay County | |
Nassau County | |
St. John's County |
Name | Description |
1 Day |
Valid until midnight the day of activation. |
1 Ride |
Valid for 30 minutes. |
1 Ride with Deviation |
Valid for 30 minutes. Deviation goes as far as ¾ mile off the Flex Route |
10 Ride |
Valid for 30 minutes. |
10 Ride with Deviation |
Valid for 30 minutes. Deviation goes as far as ¾ mile off the Flex Route |
3 Day |
Valid for 3 consecutive days. |
7 Day |
Valid for 7 consecutive days. |
31 Day |
Valid for 31 consecutive days. |
1 Ride Express |
Valid for 1 Ride on Express Routes. |
ADA 1 Ride |
Valid for 20 minutes. |
ADA 10 Ride |
Valid for 20 minutes. |
Transportation Disadvantaged 1 Ride |
Valid for 20 minutes. |
Transportation Disadvantaged 10 Ride |
Valid for 20 minutes. |
Weekday 1 Ride |
Weekday use only. Valid for 30 minutes. |
Weekend 1 Ride |
Weekend use only. Valid for 30 minutes. |
20 Ride |
Purchased passes are saved for later use. Pack of 20 rides, each valid for 30 minutes. |
ReadiRide 1 Ride |
Contact a ReadiRide reservationist at (904) 679-4555 to schedule a pick-up. Call at least two hours in advance to request an arrival time to your destination. Reservations can be made Monday through Saturday from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Curb-to-curb service must be in the same designated zone |
ES and Fixed Route 1 Day |
1-Day ES Passes offer unlimited rides on the designated county Premium Commuter Service and JTA Fixed Route bus services. Once activated, pass is valid for one day. |
ES 1 Ride |
Single Trip ES ticket offers one boarding (one-way) per person on the designated county Premium Commuter Service only. |
ES and Fixed Route 31 Day |
31-Day ES Passes offer unlimited rides on the designated county Premium Commuter Service and JTA Fixed Route bus services. Once activated, pass is valid for 31 consecutive days. |
Purchases made with Token Transit for JTA are subject to JTA terms and policies. For more information on these policies you may visit or contact JTA directly.