Developer Deeplinking Documentation

Token Transit supports universal deeplinking for users on iOS and Android and the web. Deeplinking allows app and web developers to embed links to Token Transit that direct users to specific Token Transit user flows, improving user experience.

Deeplinks start by directing the user to This URL is registered with both Android App Links and iOS Universal Links. When an iOS or Android device loads this Token Transit URL they will be directed to the Token Transit app if it is installed.

In addition to opening the Token Transit app if installed, developers can add additional flags to hint to the Token Transit app about the best way to handle the user's request. Token Transit uses query parameters added to the deeplink URL to listen for these hints. The available query parameters currently implemented are:

  • a: The agency readable ID hinting to Token Transit which agency the user expects to buy passes from.
  • fare_id: The fare identifier hinting to Token Transit which agency fare the users expects to buy.
  • hint: The hinted action the user expects to perform when deeplinked into Token Transit. Currently supported hinted actions are:
    • purchase: Hints to Token Transit that the user may want to purchase a pass for the hinted agency. The user may be shown the wallet screen instead of the purchase screen if they already have a pass for this agency available.

Developers can also add standard tracking parameters in order to gain insight into their Token Transit app referrals. The available tracking parameters are:

  • utm_medium: The medium of the link that is sending traffic, such as web, app, email, etc. utm_medium will be generated for you if you use the Deeplink Generator below.
  • utm_source: The source of the link that is sending traffic, either a web URL or an app ID. utm_source will be generated for you if you use the Deeplink Generator below.
  • utm_campaign: A campaign identifier for the link that is sending traffic. For example, spring_sale.

Deeplink Generator

Set Deeplink Fields

Set the following fields to deeplink to the specified agency and fare

Token Transit's unique readable ID for the hinted transit agency. For example, bigbluebus as found in the URL

For example, regular_single_ride (these values are specific to each agency; contact Token Transit for details if you would like to deeplink to a specific agency fare).

A hint to the Token Transit app about what action the user may want to perform. For example, purchase hints that the user may want to purchase a pass if they do not currently have a pass for the hinted agency in their wallet.

A utm_campaign value to include in the generated URL. For example, spring_sale.

Generate Deeplinks

For each platform below provide a URL or identifier to retrieve a deeplink for the agency id and fare id above

To generate a deeplink from your website to Token Transit, enter your website URL below. For example,

To generate a deeplink from your Android app to Token Transit, enter your Android app's Google Play URL below. For example,

To generate a deeplink from your iOS app to Token Transit, enter your iTune app URL below. For example,